Entering the Museum of Contemporary Art (MCASD) building on Kettner Boulevard in Downtown is an interesting sight. A Professional and clean building filled with Artsy types working diligently on the next art exhibitions due to premier late March of this year.
I met Gabrielle Wyrick on my first site visit in November, and after a month I began my real internship, lasting only 3 weeks. She studied at UCASD undergraduate while in love with Art History, later she would go on to discover Museum Curating. After graduating, she joined the MCASD staff team and never really left. Wyrick, the current education curator, busy trying to communicate with her fellow MCASD employees at the La Jolla site, found little times to communicate with me, and one of those times I was able to get her to answer some of my questions.Questions:
So, you went to UCSD, right?
Specifically, which department or school inside of UCSD?
What did you originally want to accomplish or learn there? Did it change?
After college did you try out different things before deciding upon a career in education?
Why were you interested in getting a job at MCASD?
Did you original thoughts, plans, pretty much anything dealing with your perspective on MCASD change after working?
Well, u do mentions a lot of valuable information. However, it does seem like its a little rushed getting into the interview, and i feel like you could elaborate a little bit more on the museum surroundings. Also, you used the word "artsy".....is that word? feel like maybe if you organize your words a little bit or maybe replace a few with something else, then the writing would seem a little more professional and well put. Overall, I think that you're on the right track, and for the most part your article should be a success.