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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Internship Day 1

Firstly, my internship is at MCASD, if you are wondering.

5 Photos or Less: (Brandon)

This is my workspace on the second story, where one of those computers and phones are dynamically linked to my information.

This is a screenshot of some of the work I did today, which includes preview renders for a movie.

This is something that struck me, the styrophome cup art that sits in the corner of my workspace, at first I thought it was just trash, can you see why?

This is my mentor Gabrielle in her office on the third floor. She is one of the 2 Education Curators at MCASD, example of more formal dress.

This is Elizabeth, the 2nd Education Curator along with Gabrielle, example of casual dress.

Economic Questions: (Sara)

1. How has MCASD been affected or impacted by the current economic climate (i.e. global recession)?

Money supply / overall budget has been cut down along with charitable funding i.e. the money coming in, resulting in a lot of programs and other extra things the museum does either being cut completely or just cut down.

2. Have you professionally encountered situations affected or impacted by the current economic climate (i.e. global recession)?

Gabrielle is one of the two education curators at MCASD, it used to be a five person job which was cut down to two people due to the economic climate and loss of funding. MCASD in general has had to cut almost about 25% of their entire staff.

Basic Questions: (Randy)

1. When did you wake up?

6:30 a.m., did not sleep well

2. What did you have for breakfast?

Nothing. I wasn’t hungry; I was too busy having a mental storm of anxiety.

3. How did you get to internship? How long did it take? How did it go?

My older brother drove and dropped me off a few blocks away (due to the one-way street in front of the museum it is sometimes difficult to get there on car depending upon the direction you’re coming from.

4. What did you do when you first arrived at internship? Who did you see? Who did you talk to?

When I first arrived I came 10 minutes early on an already early schedule today (due to a meeting my mentor had to attend, she wanted me to come in 30 minutes early to help me get setup), I talked to the…well, I don’t actually know his position, he typically runs the welcome/info center in the lobby, Javier, as I awaited my mentor.

5. Where do you work (in the company, in the building, etc.)? What is your area like?

Well, all of the offices are in a building called ‘Copley’, on the 3rd floor, on the 2nd they have empty workspaces and an outside type of balcony meant for parties and such, along with a large conference room. One of the empty workspaces is where they have me set up at for Mondays, weds days, and Fridays, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays I’m on the 3rd floor working directly with my mentor.

6. What did you do for lunch?

I didn’t have breakfast to do being so anxious, but I had a protein bar for lunch.

7. What did you do during the afternoon?

All of the reading material, logistical specifications, interview questions, and the forms, I went over with my mentor.

8. What type of work do you see yourself doing in the next few days?

For the next few days they’re going to have me work on inventory and basic office help, the majority of the time of my stay here will be working on a promo film about their teen art council (yet be approved by my cohort).

9. What do you feel prepared to do? What do you think you'll do well?

I feel prepared to do what they are asking me of, and mentally I want to go above and beyond.

10. What are you going to need to learn to succeed at your internship?

Just mental calmness, I can complete my internship, I just need to relax.

11. What makes you excited about working there?

How cool it is, the whole idea, and the building / workspace I’m at can only be accessed if you have a keycard, and the whole security system at the museum is very futuristic (for lack of a better term) compared to other buildings or places I have worked at.

12. What makes you nervous about working there?

Not finishing my project in time, but my mentor and the people I work with are very professional, welcoming, and nice to me.

13. When did you get home? What was your afternoon/evening commute like?

I got home around 4:30 p.m., the rest of my night was much better than the night before in that I was much less stressed out knowing how cool the people are at my internship.

Professionalism Questions: (Karl and Sabrina)

1. How have you been professional at your workplace?

I followed the basic professional code, even though at my workplace it’s a very casual environment. During my site visit I got to meet my mentor and see the people and see what was acceptable and what’s not, in terms of addressing her and in terms of clothing. My uniform is or clothing regulation is essentially the HTHMA dress code.