1. Summarize the facts of the case, as presented by the prosecution. Include relevant witnesses and testimony.
The Prosecution argued that the 6th Amendment, arguably taken out of context, makes it so everyone has the right to a free trial, which goes against the Arizona bill. It will increase the risk that police officers, especially those who are untrained, will be placed in a situation where they will try to comply with the law and will be looking for characteristics to try to determine whether someone is here without authority. The Prosecution made good arguments using the Constitution, but the fact that 2 out of 3 of their witnesses not only owned slaves but signed off on allowing slavery to exist was not a good plan, and that the Defense could have utilized a lot of messed up stuff that old America had to offer, but didn’t.
2. Summarize the facts of the case, as presented by the defense. Include relevant witnesses and testimony.
The Defense argued that a lot of Illegal Immigrants commit crimes in America, and their illegal status makes it very difficult to track them down and enforce justice the American way. A lot of Illegal Immigrants take jobs from Americans. That SB 1070 does not specifically state increasing profiling as its goal. Basically, the Defense didn’t argue the correct arguments, I thought, they missed a lot of points on the Constitution applying to American citizens, not citizens of the World.
3. What was the most significant piece of evidence, in your personal opinion?
I feel that the fact that no one could answer the question that what makes a person eligible for reasonable cause for stopping and checking their immigration status besides their ethnicity is the most important piece of
4. What was the most significant argument made, in your opinion?
Kyle made great argument within an argument. When Calvin, a lawyer for the prosecution, tried to make him read aloud a piece of the 6th Amendment, he counter argued using the Preamble as evidence, even when Calvin tried to counter argue that, which did not work in my opinion, Kyle stayed strong in his argument.
5. What do you personally believe the correct verdict should be? Do you agree with the jury? Why or why not?
Well, it’s my own personal belief that much bigger problems than illegal immigration exists, especially to the President, which it isn't really his job to fix if you think about it. However, it’s also my belief that something should be done. Perhaps SB 1070 is not the answer, it probably isn't. History has shown that profiling is racist, but at the same time actually does help, even though it reinforces racism and shames people. I really think that someone needs to do something because everyday that America gets flooded with illegal immigrants from Latin America, we cannot let in the patient, rule following people who are awaiting to enter legally. I'm not even talking about Southern America, I'm talking about different continents, people from all over try to become citizens and we can't let as many in because people don't respect our Country and/or borders. I just wish that they would crackdown on illegal immigrants already, its getting ridiculous, not only do many illegal immigrants I know don't pay taxes and contribute to decay in our economy, I also have to listen to them harass America. Now I'm not the most patriotic guy, at many times I wish I wasn't American, but at the end of the day if you came here you should respect it, or go back to where you came from. I mean this in the nicest way.
I think I deserve a 47-50 out of 50 points because I worked very hard researching and writing for the Defense and acting as a Witness, and helping them build their argument. I did the following things very well even though the Defense did lose, I still knew everything to know about my character, his story, and overall, himself. I could have done better at being a witness by memorizing my testimony word-for-word, I knew my character’s story, I just did not have the testimony memorized, which prompted my team to force me to ‘perform’ with a piece of paper. Mainly, I tried really hard to learn who Kenneth Collins was, using limited information I think I really discovered who he was.